+261 34 99 389 99, +261 33 08 799 48          LANGUAGE:  French - English

« Adventure, Discovered and Wellness at the same time »


The restoration is one of the major assets among the services and services offered by the Grand Hotel of Tsingy de Bemaraha. Gourmets or simple tasters will give pleasure of enjoying the wealth of the Malagasy gastronomy.

Through the variety of dishes and receipts concocted by the chief, the guests will appreciate surely the authentic flavour of the local products. To prove their good faith, the owners bet on cleanliness, freshness and the taste enriched by all the ingredients used. Known as an area rich in seafood and producing of meats, all the dishes are carefully cooked with fresh produce, are cultivated or fished in the locality. To facilitate the gathering and with the great pleasure of the owners, a large kitchen garden was established within the establishment. This plantation constitutes the organic source of harvests of vegetables and the fresh fruits. The meats come from the local stockbreeders and the seafood is coldly fished in the area.

To enjoy this atypical and refined kitchen, the restaurant proposes these three time slots: for the breakfast, it is open 5:30 to 9:00. For the lunch, the restaurant receives the visitors of midday to 14:30. The dinner will be been useful from 19 until 23:00. Since the hotel accommodates guests of various nationalities, it provides them various catering services with the choice, namely the buffet, the classical breakfast or the American breakfast, the standard buffet or the buffet picnic. Whatever your option, the establishment guarantees a meal worthy of the generals who will charm the papillae of the gourmets. Tuna, prawn, king prawns, squid or tilapia constitute the special ingredients of the dishes containing seafood. If you prefer the meat, do not hesitate to taste the taste raised of wild boar, the teal and the sheep.


To arrive at the destination "Tsingy of Bemaraha", it takes 2 days of car in the car of Antananarivo - Morondava - Bekopaka. The section of Antananarivo - Morondava, about 650kms, the road is tarred while that of Morondava - Belo/Tsirihibina- Bekopaka, 200 kms, with 5:00 of time road in track and 02 crossing of river out of Vat. You can imagine the intensity of the adventure and tiredness throughout road...


Single in the world, the site "Tsingy of Bemaraha" is a world heritage, declared by UNESCO in 1991. Who would not dream to walk on the sharp-edged peaks of Tsingy, or to enter the various caves of this great site or to discover the various species like the baobab trees, lemurs SIFAKA,...


After long roads or a day of discovery to cut the breath, the Grand Hotel of Tsingy de Bemaraha and all its team is ready to be useful to you and satisfy through its services. Constituted by 16 Bungalows comfort, 07 Rooms and 03 continuations, each one will have the choice to choose its accommodation. In order to satisfy our customers, the whole of the hotel is enlightened 24:00/24 by solar panels...






Email: Tel: - +261 34 99 389 99 - +261 33 08 799 48 Adresse: Bekopaka Madagascar


17 kms from « Tsingy de Bemaraha » National Park

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