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Details of the way towards the tsingy of Bemaraha

To leave on a tour of Tsingy de Bemaraha

As its name indicates it, the Grand Hotel is to only 17 km of famous Tsingy de Bemaraha. It is thus easy to reach it if you choose to remain with the hotel. A guide will accompany you and in detail the history of this authentic heritage entered with UNESCO will make you discover since 1990. Limestone formation due to the climate changes and rainwater, Tsingy is a stone forest carved and cut to form pointed and tight limestones between them. Single in its kind, Tsingy de Bemaraha is also a true sanctuary for fauna and the Malagasy endemic flora. By introducing you in the middle of this place mysterious and surprising, you will be in phase with a universe still ignored and strange at the same time.

A route astounding and enriching

To join this site famous and known in the world, another option is also available. The way consists in making 850km during two days consecutive, on the basis of the Antananarivo capital towards the site of Bemaraha. This option is even more exciting insofar as you discover all the natural wealths of the south-western area of the island. To achieve the crossing, you leave the capital to arrive in Malaimandy, via Antsirabe and Miandrivazo. Arrived at Malaimandy, you already traversed more than 400 km. After having furrowed half of the road, you start from Malaimandy towards Belo/Tsiribihina, after a passage to Morondava. In Belo, a crossing on the large river will be obligatory to reach the village of Bekopaka. Once in Bekopaka, you have the choice between three routes in order to gain the site of Tsingy, either you choose the minibus with the team of the Grand Hotel, or the way in the dugout, or the overflight in the plane.

  • Antananarivo – Antsirabe: 168 kms
  • Antsirabe – Miandrivazo: 210 kms
  • Miandrivazo – Malaimbady: 125 kms
  • Malaimbady – Morondava: 157 kms
  • Morondava – Belo/Tsirihibina (avec une traversée du fleuve en Bac de 45 minutes): 100 kms
  • Belo/Tsirihibina – Bekopaka (Tsingy de Bemaraha) (with a crossing of river out of Vat of 5 min): 90 kms